"Colostrum is the thin yellowish fluid produced during the first few milkings of a mammal after she has given birth.
It is the carrier of the immunities that are transferred from mother to infant, and one of the reasons breast feeding is so important to the health of children.
Colostrum contains an abundance of nutrients, including growth factors, lipidic and glucidic factors, oligosaccharides, antimicrobials, cytokines and nucleoside.
It is rich in immunoglobulins which are certain types of protein involved in promoting the immune system and fighting germs.
Bovine colostrum is identical in molecular structure to the colostrum of humans. Many human health benefits have been attributed to bovine colostrum including: increased energy levels, lower risks of upper respiratory illnesses, reduced risk of intestinal damage from anti-inflammatory drugs, increased ability of the body to burn fat and increase muscle, acceleration of injury healing, and increased vitality and stamina.

Bovine colostrum is also believed to have significant anti-aging properties and is seen to promote longevity. Three recent studies have supported the beneficial effects of bovine colostrum.