Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Petikan daripada laporan penyelidikan bertajuk 'Effect of a growth protein-colostrum fraction on bone development in juvenile rats' dalam jurnal Bioscience, Biotechnology, Biochemistry Vol. 72 (2008) terbitan Japan Society for Bioscience, Biotechnology and Agrochemistry:

"Colostrum is a complex mixture of bioactives that promotes neonate growth. Studies show that it contains components capable of promoting bone formation and inhibiting bone reabsorption.

A bovine colostrum 1–30 kDa fraction, Growth Protein-Colostrum (GP-C), was administered to juvenile rats as a dietary supplement to determine effects on growth and development.

GP-C enhanced the growth and mineralization of the femur as evidenced by increased serum osteocalcin and bone mineral density. Increased levels of serum growth hormone and insulin-like growth factor-1 suggest that the mechanism of enhanced growth is partially controlled by endocrine factors.

GP-C was also found to increase osteoblast proliferation in vitro, a finding that indicates a possible mechanism of action of GP-C, but further studies are required.

Based on our findings, we hypothesize that a colostrum-based dietary supplement enhances bone growth and development in humans."

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(Penyelidik: Jeongrai Lee, Suk-Hyung Kwon, dan Hyun-Mi Kim dari RexGen Biotech Corporation Limited; Stefan N Fahey dan Derek R Knighton dari AgResearch Limited; dan Andrew Sansom dari Centre for Innovation, Seperex Limited.)

Segelas susu ALPHA LIPID LIFELINE membekalkan 2000 miligram kolostrum. Manakala sebiji pil ALPHA LIPID COLOSTRUM pula membekalkan 500 miligram kolostrum. Kedua-duanya merupakan kolostrum terbaik New Zealand.